Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Meine kleinen Schätze - My little treasures

Hier sind zwei meiner Lieblingsstücke, die ich eher selten benutze, aber sehr liebe, da beide ein Geschenk meiner Großmutter waren und schon über 30 Jahre alt sind.
Here are two of my favorite pieces which I use rather seldom, but love very much, because both were a present of my grandmother and are already more than 30 years old.


kris said...

These are beautiful treasures!! Lucky you to have such wonderful sets that belonged to your grandmother. I love them!

Kelli said...

What beautiful treasures, Britta! The fact that they belonged to your grandmother make them even more special!
Thank you for the warm welcome back, it's great to be home!

Anonymous said...

Hi Britta! Thanks for stopping by our Blog and for your lovely comments! Lovely post Britta, you have some stunning treasures, all the more so precious being from your Grandmother :) We will be back, and your are always welcome to visit! Have a wondeful day! Jenn and Jacqui

Margit said...

Liebe Britta, das sind ja ganz feine Stücke! Mit ersterem hätte ich besonders viel Freude, da ich allerlei Alkoholisches zusammenbraue.
Ich habe auch einige Geschirrstücke von meiner Uroma, die ich sehr in Ehren halte.
Liebe Grüße, Margit

Catherine said...

Awww...Your treasures are Beautiful!! I love Love LOVE the blue tea set...aww gorgeous!!:)
And they are even more special and more of a treasure since they have sentimental value since they belonged to your grandmother!!
Thanks for sharing your treasure's!

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