Neue Pfanzen - New plants

We have planted again, three kinds of paprika and cocktail tomatoes. The small greenhouses are standing in our kitchen on the windowsill. As you can see a part has to be replanted as soon as possible.
Posted by Britta at 5:35 PM 4 comments
Gestern gab es bei uns Braten zum Abendessen. Dazu eine selbsgemachte Sosse, die natürlich viel besser schmeckt, als eine gekaufte. Serviert mit frischem Weißbrot.
Yesterday we had roasted meat for dinner. With it a selfmade sauce that is tasting much better than the ones you can buy. Served with fresh white bread.
Posted by Britta at 10:45 AM 10 comments
Posted by Britta at 8:21 PM 8 comments